Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Have you ever been in a situation where someone wants to micro-manage you? It happens frequently, unfortunately. For me, at least, its not a pleasant experience. In fact, it can be down right frustrating.

Micro-managing can happen anywhere and in any setting. It happens at work when your boss gives you a project or an assignment to complete. Then they come around to check on you and begin to tell you how to do the task they gave you to do. I found that to be quite frustrating in the work place. I dealt with it by listening the boss and then doing it my way. I got the job done and most of the time more efficiently than the way the boss wanted to micro-manage me to do it. 

I don't know if you realize it or not but micro-managing has made its way into the organized church. The structure we see in what passes for church these days is certainly foreign to the New Testament Church. 

Today, many pastors or board members want to control - even micro-manage what goes on in the services. They appear to give no thought to what the Holy Spirit desires to do. Frankly, the institutional church today is in a sad state. 

While the New Testament Christians were participants, today's congregations have been lulled into being nothing more than spectators. Sadly, those in the congregation have come to not only expect this but most like it this way. It takes the responsibility off of them. 

We wonder why we don't see today's church having the impact the early church had. Too often God is not given freedom and liberty to do what He desires. Christians have stunted growth because they are not given opportunities the early church had to be involved in the services - to ask questions, to give their thoughts. In essence they are not permitted to participate - only to watch while the pastor or a select few control all that goes on. 

Let's break free and enjoy the liberty God has given us! Let's be "doers of the Word, not hearers only". Let's not be mere spectators. Let's get involved!

Until next time...enjoy the journey!


Thanks for taking your time to read and share this blog. If you know of someone who would be encouraged by this blog, please feel free to forward  a link or use the icons below to repost or forward this blog.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Church Visit - Southern Baptist Church

Since leaving the pastorate earlier this year, we will be visiting various churches as we have opportunity and will, once again, blog about our experience. I did this one other time before getting involved in another church. 

This is my ninth blog post in a series I am doing on our experience visiting churches of various denominational labels, sizes and different styles of services. It is not my intent to be critical, but rather to be real and honest in our experiences. We have established criteria we are looking for at all of the institutional churches we are visiting. I do not intend to mention the church specifically by name.

I have blogged in the past about Christians who have left and are leaving the institutional church in large numbers. They are leaving for their own spiritual welfare. Most still love God but have become disillusioned or fed up with the institutional church today. I believe this is a timely series. May it open our eyes and our hearts to a deeper personal relationship with Jesus.


~DENOMINATIONAL LABEL - Southern Baptist Church in a small community south of Springfield, IL 

*Traditional XXX

~SIZE OF CHURCH - There were 35-40 present in this service

~FRIENDLINESS - This was a very friendly church. We were greeted by a greeter and given a bulletin upon entering. Several greeted us once we were seated. 

~AVERAGE AGE OF CONGREGATION - Based on my observation I would say 65-70 on average

~DRESS ATTIRE - Mostly casual

~GREETING - No formal greeting time during service

~MUSIC - The music consisted of a keyboard. There was a song leader along with three others in the praise team.

~BALANCE OF MUSIC VS WORD - There were four congregational songs, in all, before the sermon. Pastor preached for 37 minutes.

~TECHNOLOGY UTILIZED - They utilized PowerPoint. You also have the option for online giving.

ALTAR CALL/INVITATION - This is one of the few churches we have visited where there was an altar call/invitation at the end of the service. 

~ACTIVITIES/PROGRAMS OFFERED - Sunday School, nursery, TeamKid and Youth IGNITE


~PREACHING STYLE - Pastor's preaching style was fairly monotone. There were points when he did get a little excited. Overall, he was not able to keep my attention.

~USE OF SCRIPTURE - Very good. This was an expository sermon so he expounded upon the passage he was preaching on.

~RELEVANT MESSAGE - Very relevant passage of Scripture and he had some thoughts that were pretty good.

~LENGTH OF SERVICE - 1 hour 20 minutes

~OBSERVATIONS/COMMENTS - This was a traditional church that was very friendly. People continued to trickle in as the service went on.  

Until next time...enjoy the journey!


Thanks for taking your time to read and share this blog. If you know of someone who would be encouraged by this blog, please feel free to forward  a link or use the icons below to repost or forward this blog.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Church Visit - Non Denominational Christian

Since leaving the pastorate earlier this year, we will be visiting various churches as we have opportunity and will, once again, blog about our experience. I did this one other time before getting involved in another church. 

This is my eighth blog post in a series I am doing on our experience visiting churches of various denominational labels, sizes and different styles of services. It is not my intent to be critical, but rather to be real and honest in our experiences. We have established criteria we are looking for at all of the institutional churches we are visiting. I do not intend to mention the church specifically by name.

I have blogged in the past about Christians who have left and are leaving the institutional church in large numbers. They are leaving for their own spiritual welfare. Most still love God but have become disillusioned or fed up with the institutional church today. I believe this is a timely series. May it open our eyes and our hearts to a deeper personal relationship with Jesus.


~DENOMINATIONAL LABEL - Non-Denominational Christian Church in a small community southwest of Springfield, IL 

*Blended XXX

~SIZE OF CHURCH - There were around 100 people present: 80 adults and 20 children

~FRIENDLINESS - This was a friendly church. We were greeted by a greeter and given a bulletin upon entering. Some greeted us once we were seated. 

~AVERAGE AGE OF CONGREGATION - Based on my observation I would say 45-50 on average

~DRESS ATTIRE - Casual to dress

~GREETING - No formal greeting time during service

~MUSIC - The music consisted of a keyboard, piano and drums. There was a song leader along who led from the keyboard. The music was a combination of old choruses and hymns

~BALANCE OF MUSIC VS WORD - I believe the music was cut short a bit since there was a baptism at the end of the service. The sermon was good and on point backed up with a good amount of Scripture.

~TECHNOLOGY UTILIZED - They utilized PowerPoint. You also have the option for online giving.


~ACTIVITIES/PROGRAMS OFFERED - Sunday School, they were accepting donations of hygiene items for Lewis Memorial Christian Home, and shared about the upcoming senior event at the Christian campground.


~PREACHING STYLE - Pastor's preaching style was somewhat conversational. He was able to keep my attention throughout the entire message. 

~USE OF SCRIPTURE - Very good. He had started a series on water baptism the week before. 

~RELEVANT MESSAGE - Very relevant message on water baptism.  This was a very good and balanced sermon.

~LENGTH OF SERVICE - 55 minutes including the baptism

~OBSERVATIONS/COMMENTS - This was a rather large church in a small community. The people were friendly. Pastor communicated his message in a way that kept my attention - and that is no easy task. 

This is a church we will go back and visit.   

Until next time...enjoy the journey!


Thanks for taking your time to read and share this blog. If you know of someone who would be encouraged by this blog, please feel free to forward  a link or use the icons below to repost or forward this blog.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Church Visit - Baptist

Since leaving the pastorate earlier this year, we will be visiting various churches as we have opportunity and will, once again, blog about our experience. I did this one other time before getting involved in another church. 

This is my seventh blog post in a series I am doing on our experience visiting churches of various denominational labels, sizes and different styles of services. It is not my intent to be critical, but rather to be real and honest in our experiences. We have established criteria we are looking for at all of the institutional churches we are visiting. I do not intend to mention the church specifically by name.

I have blogged in the past about Christians who have left and are leaving the institutional church in large numbers. They are leaving for their own spiritual welfare. Most still love God but have become disillusioned or fed up with the institutional church today. I believe this is a timely series. May it open our eyes and our hearts to a deeper personal relationship with Jesus.


~DENOMINATIONAL LABEL - American Baptist south of Springfield

*Traditional XXX 

~SIZE OF CHURCH - There were 15-20 people in this particular service.

~FRIENDLINESS - We were greeting upon entering and given a bulletin. We found a seat and sat down. Another lady came and chatted with us for a bit. She was the song leader for the service.  We didn't find the church all that friendly before service.  However, after the service we were greeted by most of the people in attendance. They were very friendly. 

~AVERAGE AGE OF CONGREGATION - This was an older congregation with an average age of 68-70

~DRESS ATTIRE - Casual to dress/casual

~GREETING - There was no formal greeting time during the service

~MUSIC - The music was traditional and out of a hymnal. Pastor told us when she greeted us that one of the musicians passed away in February and one remaining one gets one day off a month and this was that Sunday. They utilized piano by track.  

~BALANCE OF MUSIC VS WORD - It was about a 55 minute service. Sang two congregational songs, offering, time of praise reports and prayer requests, reflection and prayer led by pastor, special song, then a 40 minute sermon. There was another hymn sang after the message.  

~TECHNOLOGY UTILIZED - They utilized PowerPoint. 


~ACTIVITIES/PROGRAMS OFFERED - Sunday School. Additionally, they are taking donations for back to school items as well as nonperishable items for the food pantry that can be used in school lunches.


~PREACHING STYLE- Very much conversational. Topical sermon

~USE OF SCRIPTURE - Very good. Utilized Scripture to go with each point of the sermon.

~RELEVANT MESSAGE - Very relevant message for the Christian life

~LENGTH OF SERVICE - 55 minutes

~OBSERVATIONS/COMMENTS - The first thing I noticed was the congregation had a genuine "family" atmosphere. They were genuinely concerned for those on the prayer list and the situations that needed prayer. 

This is an older congregation. Pastor is a very pleasant lady.

We will most likely return to visit this church at a later time. 

Until next time...enjoy the journey!


Thanks for taking your time to read and share this blog. If you know of someone who would be encouraged by this blog, please feel free to forward  a link or use the icons below to repost or forward this blog.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Church Visit - Non-Denominational

Since leaving the pastorate earlier this year, we will be visiting various churches as we have opportunity and will, once again, blog about our experience. I did this one other time before getting involved in another church. 

This is my sixth blog post in a series I am doing on our experience visiting churches of various denominational labels, sizes and different styles of services. It is not my intent to be critical, but rather to be real and honest in our experiences. We have established criteria we are looking for at all of the institutional churches we are visiting. I do not intend to mention the church specifically by name.

I have blogged in the past about Christians who have left and are leaving the institutional church in large numbers. They are leaving for their own spiritual welfare. Most still love God but have become disillusioned or fed up with the institutional church today. I believe this is a timely series. May it open our eyes and our hearts to a deeper personal relationship with Jesus.


~DENOMINATIONAL LABEL - Non-Denominational


~SIZE OF CHURCH - There were 25-30 in this particular service. The pastor told us upon greeting us that many were out of town on vacation. He said they usually run around 40-50.

~FRIENDLINESS - Pastor was very friendly as was a lady who sat and visited with us before service. They offered coffee. You were welcome to take your drinks with you to your seat.

~AVERAGE AGE OF CONGREGATION - They had both young as well as older folks in attendance. I would say an average age was 40's,

~DRESS ATTIRE - Very casual

~GREETING - Yes. We were greeted by several during the greeting time.

~MUSIC - The church had a two piece combo with worship leader playing guitar and pastor's son played a cajon box drum. The music was all contemporary. They played and sang songs that we didn't know. In this case, there was a lot of repetition and some, in reality, didn't make a whole lot of sense. 

~BALANCE OF MUSIC VS WORD - It was about a 50 minute service. The worship time lasted less than 10 minutes. 

~TECHNOLOGY UTILIZED - They utilized video PowerPoint. They also offer you an online giving option. In regards to the message, you can follow along on the screen, on your phone or with the paper notes that are provided. 

ALTAR CALL/INVITATION - None. Not even a dismissal prayer.

~ACTIVITIES/PROGRAMS OFFERED - We was informed they have cell groups.


~PREACHING STYLE- Conversational. It was an expository sermon


~RELEVANT MESSAGE - It was somewhat relevant

~LENGTH OF SERVICE - 50 minutes

~OBSERVATIONS/COMMENTS - We went to this church expecting to hear the pastor preach. Instead, they provided a video sermon from one of the 3 church elders who pastor churches around the country. This particular pastor was from Colorado. Quite honestly, it was rather boring (not only for me, but for my wife and the two friends who were with us). My wife noticed one guy sleeping. The pastor told us before service he takes off one Sunday about every six weeks to be "spiritually recharged". Sometimes he will attend somewhere else, while at other times he is at the service but has someone else preach.

This is a rented community center and was somewhat echoey.

We knew none of the songs. We stood the entire time of worship.

The kids are in a separate part of the building. We never seen them.

They do not "pass the plate" to receive an offering. They have a can you can put your offering and "Connection Card" in as you leave. 

This most likely not a place we will return to visit. 

Until next time...enjoy the journey!


Thanks for taking your time to read and share this blog. If you know of someone who would be encouraged by this blog, please feel free to forward  a link or use the icons below to repost or forward this blog.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Church Visit - Non-Denominational

Church Visits

Since leaving the pastorate two weeks ago we will be visiting various churches and will, once again, blog about our experience. I did this one other time before getting involved in another church. 

This is my fifth blog post in a series I am doing on our experience visiting churches of various denominational labels, sizes and different styles of services. It is not my intent to be critical, but rather to be real and honest in our experiences. We have established criteria we are looking for at all of the institutional churches we are visiting. I do not intend to mention the church specifically by name.

I have blogged in the past about Christians who have left and are leaving the institutional church in large numbers. They are leaving for their own spiritual welfare. Most still love God but have become disillusioned or fed up with the institutional church today. I believe this is a timely series. May it open our eyes and our hearts to a deeper personal relationship with Jesus.


~DENOMINATIONAL LABEL - Non-Denominational

*Blended xxxxx

~SIZE OF CHURCH - 50 in this particular service. We attended the second of two services on this Sunday morning

~FRIENDLINESS - We were greeting by a few people in the church - not a lot of people, but a few people.

~AVERAGE AGE OF CONGREGATION - Late 30's - Early 40's

~DRESS ATTIRE - Definitely casual

~GREETING - There was a brief greeting time. I'm not certain if this was a planned thing as they were having some confusion at this point of the service regarding announcements, etc

~MUSIC - The church had a five piece band consisting of drums, bass, rhythm guitar, lead guitar and piano. Music was a bit loud for my taste so I turned down my hearing aid (yes, I do wear hearing aids). I do like that in addition to contemporary praise and worship they included a hymn at the onset of the service as well as at the conclusion. 

~BALANCE OF MUSIC VS WORD - I would say the balance was good. 

~TECHNOLOGY UTILIZED - I loved the technology utilized. They had two screens in the front and utilized Power Point. That's always a plus for me. They even put the Scripture on the screen. They also have a website you are encouraged to go to where you can follow the outline of the pastor's sermon. Yes, they actually encouraged you to utilize your cell phone during the service! I always thought that would be a great idea. You can also give online. Guests (visitors) can complete a hardcopy visitor card or complete a card online, which is what I opted to do. 

ALTAR CALL/INVITATION - There was no formal altar call given but music was played at the end that would encourage you to pray. 

~ACTIVITIES/PROGRAMS OFFERED - They have a medical mission trip coming up, Men's Bible study as well as Connect Groups (cell groups). They do have a youth pastor coming on staff soon.


~PREACHING STYLE- Conversational


~RELEVANT MESSAGE - It was Palm Sunday when we visited. Pastor was concluding a sermon series "Words From The Cross". Good solid message. 

~LENGTH OF SERVICE - 1 hour 15 minutes or so.

~OBSERVATIONS/ I enjoy the use of technology. I heard some praise and worship choruses that are new to us. That doesn't make them wrong it just means there was a learning curve for us. The words of these songs were very biblically solid and encouraging. 
For first time guests (visitors) they offered a gift bag at their visitor center. This bag contained a travel cup, mints & chocolate, a resource book for the Christian life, an invitation card to invite someone else to church, a welcome brochure along with a page of their core doctrine and beliefs. 
We also received an email from the pastor Monday afternoon acknowledging our visit and inviting us back. He also asked to let him know if we had any specific prayer requests. 
Overall, attending this church was a good experience and we would visit again. 

Until next time...enjoy the journey!


Thanks for taking your time to read and share this blog. If you know of someone who would be encouraged by this blog, please feel free to forward  a link or use the icons below to repost or forward this blog.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

A New Day Is Dawning

It's an exciting time for Cindy and me. It truly is a dawning of a new day! Out ministry is changing and God is opening new doors for us. 

First, we left the pastorate of the church we were pastoring. Our last Sunday as pastor was this past Sunday. We love the people and wish them the best. God brought us back there just over three years ago to help with a transition. We accomplished what God brought us there to accomplish and now its time to move on to the next phase of ministry.

God really began preparing us for this transition last year as He opened doors for our music ministry, New Jerusalem Singers, more than ever before. Last year was the busiest year of music ministry we have ever had. The Holy Spirit spoke to my heart last year letting me know He was going to be leading us out of the pastorate, once again. 

It's an exciting time as well as a big step of faith for us. We are excited that God continues to open more and more doors for us. I have no doubt we will be singing more this year than even last year. We praise God for His faithfulness and His leading. We know if we follow the plan He has laid out before us we will be blessed tremendously - or as I like to say, "He will bless our sox off!"

We ask for your prayers as we walk this new journey God has called us to. Prayers that doors will continue to open, new doors will open that have never opened before, doors will reopen that have been closed in recent years, for our health needs as well as our financial needs. I have no doubt God will meet every need we have - He always has. Above all, we ask for prayers that Jesus would be lifted up in what we say and do and that others would be won to Him and Christians would be encouraged through this ministry.

We invite you to come and join us whenever we are in your area. You may check out our schedule by going to our website at www.newjerusalemsingers.org and clicking on "Schedule".

If you would like to have us come and sing at your event, group or church please contact Cindy at 217 652-0423 or email us at newjerusalemsingers@gmail. com and let us know what date and time you are looking at. 

We also have a Facebook page. Just search for New Jerusalem Singers (it will have a picture and Cindy and me for the profile picture). Be sure to go to our Facebook page and "Like" us to stay in the know. 

We look forward to seeing our many friends in our travels. Between now and the next time our paths cross...enjoy the journey!


Thanks for taking your time to read and share this blog. If you know of someone who would be encouraged by this blog, please feel free to forward  a link or use the icons below to repost or forward this blog.

Monday, January 21, 2019

What's Holding The Church Back?

In my last blog post I addressed the question to individual Christians, "What's holding your back?" As promised, in this post I will address the question, "What's holding the church back?"

As individual believers lack spiritual growth, so does the church since the church is comprised of individual believers. Therefore, it is not wrong to say it is individual Christians that are holding back the church. 

I want to look at a few things that we, as Christians do (or don't do),  that come to mind that affects the church in a great way. 

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our traditions. How many times have we said or heard, "But we've always done it this way"? Jesus told the Pharisees they've made the Word of God on non affect through their traditions. Traditions can kill a church. Traditions can suck the life right out of a church. Maybe its time to do something different!

We tend to put limits on God. Of course, we would never admit this but our actions prove it. Israel had a history of limiting God (Psalm 78:41). We limit what we allow God to do in our lives, in our families and in our churches. God desires to do so much but we, by our thoughts and our actions say "no" to God. How foolish we are  at times. 

We sometimes think we have to figure it all out. We want to live a practical "Christian" life. There is no such thing. You see, the Bible plainly tells us "Without faith it is impossible to please Him..." (Hebrews 11:6). We try to walk a spiritual journey in our own strength attempting to figure things out for ourselves. Where's the faith? If there is a lack of faith in or personal walk with the Lord that carries over to the church. There will be a lack of faith in the church. 

Maybe some are guilty of the things mentioned in my last blog post. If you are guilty of backbiting, complaining/griping, gossiping, bad language (profanity as well as negative talk), hypocrisy, causing division in the church, lack of character and integrity these things spill over into the church. It affects the church body. This needs  to stop now!

If you are guilty of these things then it is YOU that is holding the church back. What are you willing to do about it? 

If the necessary corrections are not made you may well see ICABOD - "The Glory Is Departed" written above the church doors. What a sad ending that would be. You see, it's a terrible thing to experience the loss of the glory of God. It makes you wonder how many churches have lost the glory of God, whether willingly or unknowingly. 

The same things that caused ICHABOD in Israel - sin, disobedience, idolatry - are present in many of today's churches. Christians must never take the glory of God in our midst for granted. If we do, we could very easily wake up one day and find out that ICABOD has become a reality among us.

Some have simply been playing church for far too long. You think you are a Christian when all you are is religious. Get a real relationship with Jesus.

It's time to sit up, stand up, step up, shut up (where applicable) and DO something. It's easy to sit back and complain about the church. What have you done lately to help the church? What is your life saying about the God you claim to serve as well as your church?

Some things to ponder...and fix.

Until next time...enjoy the journey!


Thanks for taking your time to read and share this blog. If you know of someone who would be encouraged by this blog, please feel free to forward  a link or use the icons below to repost or forward this blog.