Friday, January 12, 2024

It's A New Season

Wow. It's been a long while since I made my last blog post. November 4, 2021 to be exact. It was my intent to resume blogging in January of 2022. Yet I did not do that. 

What happened, you may wonder?  In a nutshell it was due to health reasons as well as our schedule. Prior to that November, we were still in the COVID -19 Pandemic. Yet we carried a heavy schedule. In 2021 we sang 115 times, did 3 sings via Zoom, preached 14 times filling pulpits, conducted 2 church services at a supported living facility, sang with Cindy "Live from our Living Room" via Facebook Live 26 times, I taught a Fruit of the Spirit Series via Facebook Live that went 9 lessons, I taught a series on The Names & Character of God that went 14 lessons, I taught a series A Closer Walk With God that went 14 lessons, we jointly did a Bible Study via Zoom for a supportive living facility 19 times, we hosted a Zoom Bible Study 19 times, I blogged 44 times, did a vlog 3 times, did 40 podcasts, we did 12 variety shows, performed 4 baptisms and 1 funeral. Cindy and I did these things on top of the health issues we were dealing with. We remained busy in 2022 and added even more things in 2023. 

I didn't share all of this for accolades. Trust me we do not want, nor do we need them. We do what we do because we love to do it. However, at that time to be quite honest I was feeling overwhelmed. Something had to be put on the back burner for a while. 

Fast forward and here we are in January of 2024. Where did all the time go? We have taken some time to reevaluate the various things we are involved in. 

In the Bible, even Solomon (known as the wisest man to live) told us "To everything there is a season, and a time for to every purpose under the heaven". So, there are seasons for things. That is, some things run their course. They are a part of our lives for a season - for a time. After they have run their course or time and purpose then there comes a time to step back and reevaluate.

We are now in this phase. Some decisions have been made. Some changes are on the horizon. There is even a new ministry door that has opened for us to do some one-on-one ministry. 

One thing I felt strongly about was that I wanted to resume blogging. It is something I enjoy...even if no one reads these posts. I find that it is good for me. I hope to resume blogging once a week but if not, it will be every other week. 

We also feel at this stage in our lives we need to slow down on some things. Take time to smell the roses, so to speak. Slowing down and taking time for self could very well improve quality and longevity of life. 

There is always a need and there is much to do. We would love to see others catch the vision and get involved in serving. If you have a desire to serve let me know. Contact me and we can arrange to get together and share some opportunities that are open right now. 

As our season is ending in some things perhaps your season is about to begin. Serve strong. Serve well. The harvest is ready. Just need laborers. Will you be a laborer for Jesus?

Until next time, 

Enjoy the journey!


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